JLM & Associates offers personal development counseling to help you take control of your personal and business success. Learn how to seize the kind of income you deserve and achieve the successful future of your dreams.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Is Your Business Easy To Buy From?

Why is it that so many businesses, in their tireless quest to excel so that they can compete more effectively, actually create more problems for themselves in the process? This is a phenomenon I have identified time and time again over the years as a business consultant and I still see growing evidence of every day.

For example, you've probably received at some time a direct mail package with a persuasive sales letter and a nice brochure, but there is nothing in the package that tells you how to order the product or service. You're left feeling confused and you simply toss the entire package in the trash.

You've probably also had the unfortunate experience of calling a company to get some information or place an order, and the telephone operator snaps, "Hello, hold please" and then leaves you dangling on hold so long that you finally hang up and promise yourself that you'll never deal with that company again.

How about going to a Web site to order a product or service and you find all types of great sales messages and links but it doesn't tell you how to place an order on the site. When you finally find the order page it is so confusing that you just click out of it and never visit or recommend that Web site again.

To further illustrate the point I'm trying to make, there's a powerul example in something that happened to me the other night. There was this wonderful little Italian Restaurant close to where I live. The food there was all homemade and it was excellent. They did a good business and most every night there was a wait to get a table.

One day I phoned to place a take out order only to be informed that the number had been disconnected and there was no forwarding number. My immediate assumption was that a fire or other emergency had taken place. I presumed that the restaurant would be back in business in a relatively short time.

I tried to phone again a few weeks later, but still to no avail. I didn't think much about the restaurant after that; I simply began to search for a suitable alternative. A few days ago, I was driving in the vicinity of the old restaurant, I decided to take a little detour and investigate. I wanted to find out what had driven such a fine establishment out of business.

When I drove into the parking lot, I couldn't believe my eyes. The restaurant was still there. There was no damage, no sign of fire. There was a new owner who welcomed me to his establishment.

As he talked, I immediately saw the problem. He told me that he had purchased the restaurant because of its great reputation, but he was determined to make it "his place," and not just an extension of the previous owner. So, he changed everything, including the phone number and he wondered why his business suddenly took such a dive.

I wish I could say that I made up this little story to illustrate my point, but sadly, it's all true.

What's important here, is that you learn from this unfortunate business owner who let his ego and his pride get in the way of common business sense.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Overcoming Negative Emotions

People today are becoming more and more health conscious, especially with the foods they eat. It's obvious that with so much of our population being overweight we have a long way to go but more people today are watching out for harmful foods.

My message today is that we should watch out for and cast off harmful thoughts just as we do harmful foods. Our thoughts are very powerful and virtually every study I have ever seen that has to do with the way people think shows that we do become what we think about most of the time.

You can always tell what your dominant thoughts are by looking at what you do. You always express your true values in your actions. You always act on the outside consistent with who you really are, and what you think about most of the time.

Our thoughts are habits and like any habit it takes proper training to change them. Habits, both good and bad are learned through repetition. The challenge most people face is that they must choose between negative and positive habits and emotions and encourage the development of the latter.

Everyone has two kinds of desire, and to overcome negative emotions you must find a balance between immediate desires and long-term goals. When you blindly follow immediate desire, your life will be empty. Meeting desire in the long term means establishing goals.

Constant study and meditation bring internal peace and will help you remain positive in the face of adversity. Your mind can only hold one thought at a time either positive or negative. You and only you choose what thought is in your mind at any given time.

This is why it so important that you lean new things every day. Read uplifting business and motivational books and magazines. Listen to positive and educational audio programs. Attend educational seminars. When you are constantly feeding your mind positive educational material there is no room for negative thoughts to dwell and grow.

Daily quiet time is absolutely essential for overcoming negative emotions. You need to take at least 30 minutes every day for quiet meditation. Often when I will suggest this to one of my clients he or she will immediately tell me, "I'm too busy, I don't have time for that." I will tell my client that because his or her life is so hectic and rushed it is critical to his or her inner peace happiness, and success that they make the time each day to do it.

There is an important distinction we all must draw between human behavior and human nature. Human behavior is often aggressive while human nature is more compassionate and gentile. The self we need to encourage is filled with compassion, love and forgiveness.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Thinking Big

I'm going to make a statement that I would bet you agree with. Here's the statement: Great spirit has always encountered violent opposition from small thinkers.

During the past 25 years I have had the opportunity to personally interview and study thousands successful men and women. Through my experiences I have learned what winners have that others don't. Winners are creative, imaginative, and they don't give up when others oppose their ideas. They are people how have learned to swim upstream, against the current of popular opinion.

If you are a reader of this Blog, you are one of those winners. You are taking steps to learn how to better apply the principles of success. You are a person who knows and finds a better way to do things.

You are a person who has the answer to a perplexing problem that has plagued others for far too long, and you're one who has often been rejected by others in powerful positions. It's a feeling that is shared by successful people in virtually every endeavor.

It isn't easy to go where none have gone before. The frustration of breaking new ground, of making something happen that has never happened before is sometimes too much to handle, even for the strongest people. Sometimes the frustration is simply too great and those who would have been winners, had they stayed the course, gave up too soon.

My advice on the subject is to power through. Ignore the naysayers! Excuse them for being small thinkers. Consider for a minute where we would be as a society without big thinkers. Without new concepts and new ways of doing things, we'd probably still be lighting our houses with candles. We'd probably be riding on horses and in carriages for transportation.

Negative people can always find a reason why an idea won't work. When you experience opposition from those who think small, take comfort in the knowledge that great success is something that is achieved by a very small minority. Those who always follow the opinion of the masses never achieve greatness in anything they do, but they do find great joy in trying to discredit your good ideas.

I find it curious that the negative and small thinking people, who because of their lack of trust, attempt to stop the big thinking people from making their great accomplishments. That's why surging ahead when you meet up with negative and small thinking people is so important.

Remember this: Your ideas are as good as anyone else's, but ideas are just dust under a rug, unless you mine and develop them for all they are worth, by surging ahead.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Ten Hallmarks Of Educated People

Most people equate education with someone who has a degree from a major college or university. While this is true a college education or even a Masters Degree will not guarantee success in the Information Age we are living in.

Education is a combination of being book smart and street smart. You must have the proper mindset to succeed. You cannot force someone to learn or give them incentives to learn as some of the educational institutions are doing today. Education is a mindset. You have to want to learn.

The following are ten hallmarks that a person must have to be truly educated.

1. Educated people are those who have learned to think clearly and logically. They are people who give willingly and generously; who forgive others lovingly and graciously.

2. Educated people are those who are keenly aware that responsibilities have higher priorities than privileges; that there is no real security in life but there is an abundance of opportunity.

3. Educated people are those who realize that learning is never completed; that life is a never-ending process of growth.

4. Educated people are those who understand that personal integrity is the cornerstone of character.

5. Educated people are those who have learned that great ideas are more permanent than great wealth; that excellent examples teach more than words.

6. Educated people have discovered that curiosity is the heart of learning, and that curiosity leads to adventure and achievement.

7. Educated people are those who are deeply thankful for everything that they have achieved in life.

8. Educated people are those who welcome, respect and enjoy new challenges, different cultures, unusual customs and opposing opinions.

9. Educated people are those who thirst for additional knowledge, hunger for more truth, and yearn for increased wisdom.

10. Educated people are those who recognize their shortcomings and limitations but focus on their possibilities and opportunities; who appreciate their uniqueness but understand that we are all created equal.

Education is not a privilege for just the wealthy who can afford to go to college. In fact statistics show that many millionaires don't even have a college degree. They are people who were motivated to learn what they needed to in order to start and build a successful business.

Books are free at any library and for people who don't read well most books are on audio. There is a wealth of free information available on the Internet on virtually any field or profession. It doesn't take a lot of money if you want to be educated. It takes motivation!

What successful people have is motivation. The motivation to learn what then need to achieve their goals. Educated people have these ten hallmarks and once you motivate yourself and incorporate them into your everyday life, you'll find that nothing can stop you from achieving the the success you want.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Unblocking Your Problems

Got a difficult business problem? It probably triggers a range of emotions within you. These emotions can get in the way of finding a solution.

Every person has problems. Problems are like waves they are never ending. The keep coming at us constantly large and small. Problems do not discriminate as many people believe between successful people and unsuccessful people. Nor do problems discriminate between those people who have more money and those who don't.

We all have problems that we have to deal with every day. How successful you are in life is determined in large part by how you deal with the problems you face every day. The people who find creative solutions to their problems are usually the most successful in life.

How to unblock your problems and find creative solutions is today's message. You can cut through the emotional barriers that block you from solving your problems with a simple exercise that I have used successfully for many years.

Start by writing your problem at the top of blank sheet or paper. Draw a line down the center of the page. Then put your positive thoughts and possible solutions that come to mind in the right-hand column and your negative thoughts and anxieties in the left-hand column.

It's important that you be totally honest with yourself. No matter how ridiculous the thought may seem write it down. The very act of writing your positive thoughts down allows your mind to unleash the creative process and begin coming up with solutions. The same is true with your negative thoughts and anxieties . Once you write them down they don't seem so overwhelming and become more manageable.

After you've finished, review your list carefully. Then close your eyes and imagine tearing the sheet of paper in half and throwing the portion with the negative thoughts and anxieties into a raging fire.

Relax with your eyes closed and visualize the paper being consumed by the fire. Take a minute or two to watch the paper burn. Using all your senses here is important. Feel the heat of the fire and smell the paper burning.

Let your thoughts flow freely through your mind, no matter what they are. Try not to block or resist any thoughts, even if they appear foolish or unrelated. Listen to each one. Stay relaxed, even if you experience a blank period.

Solutions to your problems that you've never considered will begin to come into your mind. As they do write each one down. If you don't you'll loose that solution forever.

This technique will not work the first, second or even the third time. Like everything new, it will take time to perfect. So practice it often, daily if you can. The more you practice it, the more adept you'll become at taping into the power of "creative imagination."

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Personal Benchmarking

There is an often misunderstood concept in management that will work wonders for you if you only learn how to apply it. It is the difference between feeling helpless and being in complete control. It is the difference between longing for success and actually achieving your goals. This technique is called "personal benchmarking."

Personal benchmarking is the process of consciously counting all of your small achievements that add up to big success. It is an attitude that encourages you to take pride in even the smallest steps in the right direction. There is an old Chinese proverb that says, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Personal benchmarking emphasizes the importance of that first step and every small one that follows.

Let me give you an example. I have a friend who wants to be a speaker and his progress seems to be at a firm standstill. He doesn't trust the personal benchmarking process, and because he's not yet in great demand as a speaker, he sees himself as a failure.

My friend is blinded by his inability to see the importance of the small steps that lead to the big goal. Success in any job, field, or career is not now, and never will be an overnight event. It is the cumulative effect of chugging away every day with your eyes clearly focused on the anticipated result.

It's the phone calls you make, the letters you write, the emails you send, and the new connections that you establish every day that count. If you don't do these things, you'll never be able to get where you want to be. To consider the time before you achieve success as a failure is like considering the time you are alive as days you are dying. It's narrow-minded, backwards thinking.

One of the main reasons why so few people in our society are successful is because they are impatient. People want instant success and instant gratification. If they don't receive results immediately most people just give up. Most businesses fail because the owner gives up before the business has a chance to prosper. Most investments fail because the investor wants an immediate return and sells the investment before it has a chance to grow.

A few years ago I was struggling to finish a project for a prospective client. It was two o'clock in the morning and I was tired. I was also frustrated because I was doing work on speculation. There was no guarantee that I would ever be paid for it.

Suddenly I realized that there was only one thing that I could do that would guarantee that I would never be paid. I could quit working. Only by quitting would I guarantee that I would receive no compensation for my efforts. I might add that it wasn't until a year later that I finally received a check in payment for my efforts and I have been receiving residual payments ever since.

Personal benchmarking is a wonderful process of many small things becoming one complete, fulfilled goal. We can't always have today what we want and need, but if we learn to do the small things, then the big things will take care of themselves.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Helping Others Also Helps You

All of us have met successful people who claim that they are "self-made." In reality there is no such thing as a completely self-made man or woman. No one achieves his or her success without the help of other people. People who make these claims only prove that it's possible for self-centered people to make money.

Every person who reaches the top of his or her field has been able to do it only because of the substantial help along the way from others. The Law of Sowing and Reaping is the iron law of the universe and it requires that you respond in kind by helping others.

As I look back on my own career through my failures and personal tragedies there has always been someone that has helped pick me up and get through those down times in my life. The same is true in my successes whether it has been starting a new business or making good investment there has always been a mentor close by to help me.

No person is more successful or wealthy than the one who has the time and energy to spend in helping others. Notice I didn't mention money. That's fine too for helping others if you can afford it. But time and effort is even more precious and the payoff in satisfaction and self-contentment is equal to the investment.

One of the richest experiences you'll every have is to be able to point to someone at the peak of his or her success and say: "I helped put him or her there." Your efforts on behalf of someone less fortunate not only helps him or her, but also adds priceless value to your own self-esteem and self-worth. This will be the case every time whether or not that person recognizes your help or is even grateful for it.

Think of the staggering statistics of the number of young people in the United States, the richest country in the world that cannot read or write very well, and many of these are high school graduates. These young adults are our future and it's clear that they aren't going to get what they need to be successful in the 21st Century from high school or even college.

They need the help of mentors. People who have achieved success and can show others how to do it. Show them how the real world works and give them the direction and the confidence to succeed. All the books in the world are no substitute for learning directly from a person who has achieved success in his or her career.

Think of how the world would be transformed if each of us "adopted" someone else to help through life! In turn, each of us would be adopted and receive help. In a small way, it's already happening. But the system, if you can call it that needs to be improved and expanded as part of human progress and civilization.

I'll finish today's message with a favorite quote of mine from best selling author and speaker Zig Ziglar, "You can get anything you want in life, if you just help enough other people get what they want."

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Take Action To Overcome Fear

It's unfortunate that so many people are afraid these days. They are afraid to take any chances that could improve their life. Employees are afraid to make a decision at work because it might be wrong and they would get in trouble with their boss. People are afraid to start a business of their own because it might fail. Men and women are even afraid to go out on a date these days because they're afraid of getting into a relationship that doesn't work.

Take a look around you. You've met them. Their conversation is laden with negative comments and excuses like, "I can't," or "what if it doesn't work," or "I'm not smart enough," or " I'm not educated enough," or "I don't have enough money to do that." I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.

You cannot accomplish or achieve success or happiness in life without taking risks and facing your fears. The wealthiest and most successful men and women in our society have failed numerous times before they achieved their success. If you ask any one of them, they will tell you they achieved their success because they faced their fears.

If these people could only learn once and for all that all their fears can easily be eliminated by simply taking some kind of action. When you address your fears, miracles will happen. When you do the thing you fear the most, it upsets the balance and attracts opportunity, which in turn eliminate the fear itself.

It is only when fear is absent that progress can take its natural course. Think about that project you haven't gotten around to working on yet because you fear that it may not be right. Or think about the phone call you've been avoiding because you fear the outcome of a pending negotiation, and understand that fear can be eliminated only by taking action. Then take the necessary action.

How many times in your life have you come up with an idea for a product or service and not taken action on it? You say to yourself, "That will never work" or "people will laugh at me and say I'm crazy." Then later on you see someone else making millions from the idea you originally came up with.

One thing is for certain: Your fear will remain and probably grow proportionate to the time it takes you to act upon it. Your very commitment to act will begin the evaporation process of your fear.

When you first get into action, you may suffer a few moments of discomfort in dealing with that which you've been avoiding, but then before you know it, a miracle occurs. The fear is gone. Your mind is clear, and once again you are ready to take-on the world.

It's true. Fear can and will be eliminated when you take appropriate action. It isn't up to someone else. It's up to you!

When you act upon your fears, you will begin to understand that the world is full of opportunity for those people who are courageous enough to take action. One of my favorite quotes and one that is more true today than ever before is from General Douglas MacArthur when he said, "There's no security on this earth, only opportunity."

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Small Steps Lead To Big Success

If you ask just about anyone who has achieved success in life exactly how he or she accomplished it, you will most likely hear about a series of small steps, each following the other as part of a detailed plan. What I'm talking about is that often misunderstood, and seldom used word, goals.

Have you ever consciously sat down to make a list of everything you want? Goal setting is the "master skill" of success but tragically only a small minority of people have clear written goals for their life.

When you write down your goals and make plans to achieve them you will discover three things:

1. It's fun and even exhilarating.

2. You have very likely already accomplished some of the goals on your list.

3. You will begin to accomplish the things you want faster than you ever thought possible.

That's why for years, I've advised my clients and the people who attend my seminars to make two lists. The first should be a business or career list of goals. This list might include things such as a higher position in your company, owning a business or making more money. Each of these goals must be written down, have a plan for achievement and have a specific date by which you intend to accomplish them.

The second list is your personal list. This one might include buying a house, a car, or taking a nice vacation. This is a list of things you want, just because you want them. It has been my experience that most people who engage in goal setting often forget the things that are just pure fun.

You will inevitably accomplish your goals on the second list faster than those on the first, but every goal that you accomplish on that second list will get you a little closer to accomplishing a goal on the all-important first list.

Here's why: You will work a lot smarter when you are having fun, and the happiness that comes from eliminating self-imposed restrictions becomes the fuel which drives success. Small steps in a good plan add up to success.

A business can only succeed with a business plan and the same is true for your personal life. If you want to achieve success in your own life you must set goals and plan for your success. So make the time to begin putting your two lists together today!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

It's Never Too Late To Change

The more I look around, the more convinced I am that the happiest and most successful people the ones whose ears and eyes are always tuned to opportunity. These are rare people in our society.

My message for today is how these people take their cues from the environment, and pursue what seems to be the natural course of action for them. If their environment works for them, they choose to remain in it and grown within it. If their environment lacks enthusiasm, positive people, or opportunity they step out of it and find a better one.

Long before we are old enough to make any meaningful decisions about our future, we learn to take cues from the environment that shapes our life. The strong in our society are the people who make a conscious decision not to allow their environment to shape and control their life.

For some people, growing up in a family mold can be healthy and rewarding. Being raised by educated parents in a home where creative ideas are encouraged, where bookshelves filled with great books line the walls and where options and opportunity abound. For these people, their environment should be allowed to mold their futures.

Statistically, however, the chances of being raised in such an environment are rare indeed. For most of us, breaking the tradition of our younger years and steering toward a more interesting and productive course is a much better idea. But such action requires a decision.

Here is the good news: If you haven't yet made your decision to stay with or turn away from your early environment, the opportunity is still available, every hour, every day, month after month, year after year.

Here is even better news. Because we are in the Information Age there are more opportunities than at any time in history. The future belongs to the competent. The people who are the most educated and do something with their knowledge.

Whether you go to the library and check out one business book every week to read or buy one at a book store, it will amount to you reading fifty books per year. Fifty books per year will total about five hundred books over the next ten years. Just think of the competitive edge all that knowledge will give you in your chosen field!

One of my favorite quotes is from George Bernard Shaw, and seems to fit today's message perfectly. He said, "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them."

What would you like to do with your life? You have the time to change, and it is never too late. But it is up to you!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Reach And Repetition

My message today is about an old time-honored advertising formula which can help anyone involved in management or executive life. Simply stated, the formula is, "Reach is nothing without repetition and repetition is nothing without reach." What this idea means is that in order for anything to happen, you must first reach those people who are in the best position to do what you want done. Then you must deliver a consistent message with repetition.

Think about it. If you saw an advertisement only once for a product in which you had an interest and you did nothing, you would probably forget about it. But if you continued to see advertisements promoting the product, you would be motivated to action. This is reach and repetition at work, and they are the reason why television and radio commercials and print advertisements are so effective.

The same marketing magic can work in your company. For example, if you are attempting to reach middle management with your message, don't communicate with their bosses, communicate with them directly. Reach them again and again until they are motivated to action.

Using reach and repetition in the office will guarantee less confusion among employees and fewer communication problems that lead to finger pointing.

If your company is like most, it's time to stop the confusion about why things aren't working the way they should. The answer is in plain sight. It's staring you right in the face. Communicate with, or reach, the right people, then do it again and again util the problem is fixed or the opportunity is seized.

Reach and repetition. One is useless without the other, but together they represent one of our most powerful and often misunderstood management tools. If you doubt the validity of this idea, just open your kitchen cabnets and see how much reach and repetition have influenced your own buying decisions. Then put this information to work immediately.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ten Point Plan For Entrepreneurial Success

In surveys conducted at some of the major universities in the United States students are asked what their top career choice is. They seldom list becoming a doctor, lawyer, or even becoming president of the United States. Becoming an “entrepreneur” is consistently the top career choice of most students.

Surveys of working men and women consistently show that one out of three employees want to be their own boss.

These results overwhelmingly show that today’s frontier of freedom is running your own business.

So what’s stopping people from starting their own business? The answer is simple: people don’t know how to be an entrepreneur. They feel it’s too risky. Well everyone one of us takes risks every day in every part of our life without even realizing it. With all the downsizing, outsourcing, and layoffs there is certainly no job security working for any business today.

The fact is that starting a business today has never been easier or more affordable. Because of the Internet you can have a business up and running in a matter of days and be able to reach hundreds of thousand of potential customers around the world.

Here is a ten point plan for entrepreneurial success that has never failed me. Yes, I’ve had businesses that have failed and when I look back at those failures I always find that I didn’t follow one or more of these points.

1. Choose the right business. It must be a business that you are interested in and in a field where the sky is the limit.

2. Have a vision. You must be able to see every detail of your business. How it will look and operate. Most importantly what it will look like when it is finished and you are going to sell it for a handsome profit.

3. Set goals and make plans. Set written short, medium, and long-term goals for where you want to be. You must make detailed plans on how you are going to achieve each one of your goals. Most people spend more time planning their summer vacations than their careers.

4. You must have a business plan. You plan needs to include detailed plans for financing, marketing, and management of your business.

5. Get out of your comfort zone. You’ll never make money in business if your life feels too easy.

6. You must be persistent. Success doesn’t happen overnight, it takes time. The most successful entrepreneurs have had the most failures, but they never gave up until they got what they wanted.

7. Be positive. Don’t listen to all the negatives. You’re going to hear your friends and relatives tell you that it won’t work you can’t do it, and just get a job. Don’t listen to them!

8. Develop your ambition. Always try to move to the next level in your field.

9. Listen to good advice. Educate yourself every day by reading business magazines, books, listen to business and motivational audio programs, and regularly attend educational seminars.

10. Be disciplined. Don’t let distractions get in your way.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Your Greatest Management Tool

What if I said I’ll give you five dollars if you read this article. Motivating thought isn’t it? Of course, I can’t actually pay you to read, but if I could, many of you would read what I write until I ran out of money.

That is my topic for today, getting people to do what you want. Your biggest management secret is the one I just exposed: behavior that is rewarded will be repeated.

If you want something done, reward the doer. You’ll never have to threaten or apply pressure again. You’ll be amazed at how motivated employees, coworkers, suppliers and even customers will be when they perceive a reward as a result of behaving in a certain way.

I am always dismayed when I see small businesses and large corporations not using this simple and basic management success tool. Instead I see office businesses filled with office politics, unclear expectations, unnecessary rules and dishonesty. These things do nothing but demotivate people.

Not all rewards have to be financial. Often saying a simple “Thank you” or “Good job” or even a hand written thank you note can work wonders in getting profit building behavior to occur again and again. Simple things like contests or awarding an “Employee of the Month” are wonderful motivators.

For any person to be effective he or she must have high levels of self-esteem. This is why providing reinforcement and rewards that give people tangible proof that they add value to your life or organization are such important motivational tools. When you build up a person’s self-esteem it will enhance their initiative and encourage them to try new ideas.

Integrity plays a very important role in motivating others, because it is the basis of trust. In any relationship you must always be sure that what you say will happen after a certain behavior or performance actually does happen. People must believe that you say what you mean and mean what you say.

Consequences have a short shelf life. Positive reinforcement that follows right after a person has done a good job is worth more than a delayed one. When it comes to behavior, people tend to seek experiences that provide current rewards rather than experiences that bring uncertain or delayed rewards.

The next time someone in your company or personal life does a good job or does something nice for you a siren should go off in your head reminding you to reward that behavior immediately, before it gets away from you.

When positive reinforcement becomes a way of life, adversarial relationships begin to disappear. People start to treat each other as they would like to be treated. People learn that they can earn bigger rewards by working together rather than resisting each other.

Positive reinforcement creates a pleasant win/win experience and a cause for celebration. Always remember: behavior that is rewarded is repeated. The rest is up to you.