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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Unblocking Your Problems

Got a difficult business problem? It probably triggers a range of emotions within you. These emotions can get in the way of finding a solution.

Every person has problems. Problems are like waves they are never ending. The keep coming at us constantly large and small. Problems do not discriminate as many people believe between successful people and unsuccessful people. Nor do problems discriminate between those people who have more money and those who don't.

We all have problems that we have to deal with every day. How successful you are in life is determined in large part by how you deal with the problems you face every day. The people who find creative solutions to their problems are usually the most successful in life.

How to unblock your problems and find creative solutions is today's message. You can cut through the emotional barriers that block you from solving your problems with a simple exercise that I have used successfully for many years.

Start by writing your problem at the top of blank sheet or paper. Draw a line down the center of the page. Then put your positive thoughts and possible solutions that come to mind in the right-hand column and your negative thoughts and anxieties in the left-hand column.

It's important that you be totally honest with yourself. No matter how ridiculous the thought may seem write it down. The very act of writing your positive thoughts down allows your mind to unleash the creative process and begin coming up with solutions. The same is true with your negative thoughts and anxieties . Once you write them down they don't seem so overwhelming and become more manageable.

After you've finished, review your list carefully. Then close your eyes and imagine tearing the sheet of paper in half and throwing the portion with the negative thoughts and anxieties into a raging fire.

Relax with your eyes closed and visualize the paper being consumed by the fire. Take a minute or two to watch the paper burn. Using all your senses here is important. Feel the heat of the fire and smell the paper burning.

Let your thoughts flow freely through your mind, no matter what they are. Try not to block or resist any thoughts, even if they appear foolish or unrelated. Listen to each one. Stay relaxed, even if you experience a blank period.

Solutions to your problems that you've never considered will begin to come into your mind. As they do write each one down. If you don't you'll loose that solution forever.

This technique will not work the first, second or even the third time. Like everything new, it will take time to perfect. So practice it often, daily if you can. The more you practice it, the more adept you'll become at taping into the power of "creative imagination."


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