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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Overcoming Negative Emotions

People today are becoming more and more health conscious, especially with the foods they eat. It's obvious that with so much of our population being overweight we have a long way to go but more people today are watching out for harmful foods.

My message today is that we should watch out for and cast off harmful thoughts just as we do harmful foods. Our thoughts are very powerful and virtually every study I have ever seen that has to do with the way people think shows that we do become what we think about most of the time.

You can always tell what your dominant thoughts are by looking at what you do. You always express your true values in your actions. You always act on the outside consistent with who you really are, and what you think about most of the time.

Our thoughts are habits and like any habit it takes proper training to change them. Habits, both good and bad are learned through repetition. The challenge most people face is that they must choose between negative and positive habits and emotions and encourage the development of the latter.

Everyone has two kinds of desire, and to overcome negative emotions you must find a balance between immediate desires and long-term goals. When you blindly follow immediate desire, your life will be empty. Meeting desire in the long term means establishing goals.

Constant study and meditation bring internal peace and will help you remain positive in the face of adversity. Your mind can only hold one thought at a time either positive or negative. You and only you choose what thought is in your mind at any given time.

This is why it so important that you lean new things every day. Read uplifting business and motivational books and magazines. Listen to positive and educational audio programs. Attend educational seminars. When you are constantly feeding your mind positive educational material there is no room for negative thoughts to dwell and grow.

Daily quiet time is absolutely essential for overcoming negative emotions. You need to take at least 30 minutes every day for quiet meditation. Often when I will suggest this to one of my clients he or she will immediately tell me, "I'm too busy, I don't have time for that." I will tell my client that because his or her life is so hectic and rushed it is critical to his or her inner peace happiness, and success that they make the time each day to do it.

There is an important distinction we all must draw between human behavior and human nature. Human behavior is often aggressive while human nature is more compassionate and gentile. The self we need to encourage is filled with compassion, love and forgiveness.


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