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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Your Attitude Is The Difference

Have you ever noticed that the more successful people are, the nicer they seem to be? It's all a matter of attitude. You can tell a great deal about a person just from studying his or her attitude.

People are mean, suspicious and vindictive outwardly only when they are mean, suspicious and vindictive inwardly. The more confident a person is of his or her own value as a person, the better his or her attitude toward others and the world is in general.

Successful people just naturally treat you well; they're smiling, courteous and confident. Being happy with themselves as people, they can reflect it, they have nothing to fear.

It is only the people who are not happy and successful that treat you badly. These are the people who have never really grown up or matured. Something stunted their inner growth, their confidence in themselves, and since they're not happy within themselves and not confident in their own ability and worth as a person, they can only see the world in their own reflection. As a result, their treatment of you is a kind of punishment of themselves.

We can only love others to the extent that we love ourselves. By carefully observing how others treat you, particularly strangers such as store clerks, salespeople, customer service representatives and employees of all kinds, you can make a fairly good evaluation of what these people think of themselves.

People with the best attitude just naturally gravitate toward the top of their field. So, the more successfully a person is, the nicer he or she seems to become. Their good attitudes did not come as a result of their success; their success came to them as a result of their attitudes.

People frequently make the mistake when they meet a successful and person of saying, “I'd be happy, too, if had what he or she's got.”

It's a natural tendency to think his or her attitude is the result of his or her success. But this is not the case, just the reverse is true.

Psychologist and philosopher William James once wrote: “The greatest discovery of my generation is that people can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.”

Each of us attracts the kind of life we, as individuals, represent. That is, before a person can achieve something, he or she must become the kind of person this “something” would naturally belong to. We must first be the person we would like to be before the things that person would have can come to us. This may sound complicated, but it really isn't.

If you know how you think you would act if you had everything you wanted, begin to act that way now, make that kind of attitude a habit, and you'll get the things you want. But the attitude must precede the accomplishment.

Most people have this backwards and, as a result, wonder why they never have any success or happiness in life. If you want to be happy, spend your days acting like a happy person and it will come to you. One day you'll wake up to find you're happy, and you'll never quite know when the acting stopped and the reality began. That's why the saying that people are about as happy as they make their minds up to be is true.

A positive mental attitude is better than mental ability. Your attitude tells the world what you expect from life, and you will receive exactly that, no more, no less.


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