Business Should Be Easy
Have you ever heard an otherwise bright person use the expression, "That was too easy!" when describing a business transaction that occurred with no hassles and very little effort?
You can do yourself a favor if you begin to count the times things seem to effortlessly fall into place. I think you'll be surprised by the unusually high number.
However, we all seem to have some perverted stake in the feeling that business should be difficult. Because we feel that way, many times we unknowingly hunt for the trouble areas and exaggerate them to justify our original negative feelings. We create problems for ourselves where none existed before.
I'm not suggesting that all business is supposed to be easily accomplished, but I am suggesting that the natural flow of business is easier than we think it is.
I gave a keynote address recently to a group of business owners, and soon afterward was given a major contract from an executive who was in the audience. Interestingly, I had previously moved mountains in an attempt to get the attention of a decision maker in that particular organization to no avail.
Business is like that. When you plan and execute that plan, many times nothing happens. Likewise, sometimes when you expend the least amount of effort, great rewards come. There is a lesson to be learned here by those who are alert to it: Never, never, never say, "That was too easy!" such a proclamation suggests that the time has come to unearth inherent problems.
Believe me when I say that in such cases there is no problem, only erroneous assumptions that problems are lurking nearby. Business is the easiest part of the workday. It is systematic and the system is supposed to work. To think otherwise is to create problems, not to find them.
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