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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Your Biggest Contribution

I was giving a talk yesterday to a group of students at Pennsylvania State University and afterwards several of the students asked me a simple question; the wanted to know how they could do the most good in the world.

The students were all well aware of the world's poverty, ignorance, disease and unrest. So, what I told them was simple; "You can help others and the world more by making the most of yourself than in any other way."

The reason I told them this was because by making the most out of what you have and who you are, you will make the greatest contribution to the world. It makes no difference what field you go into, as long as you're good at what you do. That is what will make a difference.

It doesn't matter whether you're a housewife, a policeman, a painter, a plumber, an electrician or in some other field, what is important is that you strive for fulfillment as a person. What's important is that you strive to narrow the gap that exists in each of us, between your habitual performance and your real potential.

You can do the most good for others and the world by simply making the most of yourself in what ever line of work you choose to do. You just have to give it your best every day. When you do this it will result in your making more than the maximum contribution to society.

Since the Universal Law of Compensation says that we receive in direct proportion to what we give to others, it guarantees, at the same time, that we will reap the maximum rewards. It is impossible for a person who gives his or her best day after day, year after year, to go unrecognized and rewarded.

The very fact that you are concentrating on giving your best to your work and to the people whom you associate with, and not thinking about personal recognition, will draw the rewards of life to you like a magnet.

Those people who take the attitude, "Why should I knock myself out for what I'm getting out of this?" never get anywhere in life. Their refusal to give until they get simply guarantees that they'll get nothing.
Those who take this attitude should try giving more of themselves and find out how drastically it will change their world for the better. It's not easy to change your attitude but it's the only why to truly find yourself.

To make the greatest contribution to the world, all you have to do is make the most out of yourself in the job, career, or profession you've chosen. It's the only way to guarantee you'll have happiness and success in life.


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