We Are All Creatures Of Habit
I am often asked the question; Why do successful people continue to be successful and get richer, while unsuccessful people tend to remain unsuccessful and get poorer?
First of all let me say that this is not factually true. Economic studies show that the poor do not actually get poorer; rather they tend to remain poor, or stay at the bottom of the economic ladder, while the successful and the affluent tend to become even more successful.
Over my 25 plus years of studying successful people I've found that we are all creatures of habit. People at the bottom of the economic scale are as bound by the habit that have resulted in their lack of financial success as the more successful people are bound by theirs.
People in general tend to avoid change. You'd think that unsuccessful people who are at the bottom of the economic ladder would welcome any kind of change, but they don't. They have grown used to their way of life and feel that any change might be worse.
Successful people build up momentum that keeps going through habits that resulted in getting them started in the first place. They have developed good, productive habits and because they stay with those habits day in and day out, it has built an enormous cumulative success factor.
On the other hand, the occasional good fortune that seems to effect the unsuccessful people in a sporadic, hit-or-miss fashion is the result of their occasional tentative steps that never build up any momentum at all.
Unsuccessful people never really set anything in motion. They start something and then stop it, letting it loose momentum. The only way to achieve success in anything is for you to set things in motion. You have to do it, no one else can do it for you. Getting started is always the hardest part.
Successful people constantly run into problems, set-backs, and obstacles, but they ride them out, having faith in what they're doing and where they are going. They know sooner or later they'll get through the obstacles and reach their goal.
Success doesn't happen overnight, it takes time to succeed. You cannot succeed without understanding you must start by building up momentum and forming good habits.
So, if you've ever wondered why the successful and the unsuccessful people tend to remain that way it's because success in life is not so much a matter of talent and opportunity as it is a matter of concentration and persistence.
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