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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Using Controlled Attention

If you study the behavior of any person who has achieved great success in his or her life, you will find a common trait: They are able to stay focused on their major purpose or goal. What they do, in actual fact, is bring to bear the power of the mind on the achievement of definite ends.

By constantly thinking about, planning for, and doing things to facilitate your purpose, movement in that direction is inevitable. Earl Nightingale said, "We become what we think about most of time."

This works both ways; if you constantly think about all the problems in your life, complain, and focus on the negative, that will become your reality. Things will continue to get worse in your life.

On the other hand, if you focus on your purpose in life, your goals, and objectives, the things that are working for you, then that will become your reality.

Your mind is very powerful and whatever you hold to be true will become your external reality. This is how you create your own reality and then experience it. When you give your mind a picture of what you want to achieve, it will transform the picture into physical reality by using whatever practical means that are available.

When you fix your mind upon your purpose in life or goal and force your mind through a daily habit to dwell on that subject, you condition your mind to act on it. Whatever you think about, your mind will get to work proving that belief to be true in your physical experience.

What is difference between happy and successful people and those who are unhappy and not successful? Successful and happy people feed their minds on thought material related to their positive goals and purposes; people who are unhappy and not successful let external, negative influences feed their minds and they become fearful, anxious, bitter, and paralyzed.

To overcome the constant exposure to negativism that is a so much a part of today's society, we would all be well advised to consciously think about what we want every day (if not more frequently) and do something to manifest our goals. Otherwise our minds will be filled with a daily fare of "doom and gloom" and the result will be a life of fear, scarcity, and despair.


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