JLM & Associates offers personal development counseling to help you take control of your personal and business success. Learn how to seize the kind of income you deserve and achieve the successful future of your dreams.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

How Are You Doing?

As we near the end of 2006 it's a good idea to take inventory of your achievements, to measure your progress and check the direction of your career and your life.

You should take the time to ask yourself ten important questions and then use the answers to identify improvements you need to make in your life right now:

1. Did you enlist a new mentor or role model this year?

2. What aspect of your job has been the most satisfying and what have you done to expand the scope of responsibilities you enjoy most?

3. What educational experiences have you completed? ( How many business or motivational books have you read, how many educational audio programs have you listened to, and how many educational seminars have you attended?).

4. What was the biggest risk you took? Did it work out as you hoped and what did you learn from it?

5. What did you do that made your boss look like a superstar?

6. What did you do to put something back into your community?

7. What aspect of your job did you realize you disliked? How can you change or minimize that aspect?

8. What have you accomplished that you can add to your resume?

9. What relationship with a friend, relative, or business associate were you able to improve, and how did you do it?

10. Do you have a list of goals for the next 12 months that are specific and include both your business and personal life?

If you don't know where you are going, one direction is about as good as another. You first have to know where you want to go if you ever have any hope of arriving there. Asking these questions, plus listing your goals and measuring your progress will help ensure that you are on track with your plans and goals.


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