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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Finding Happiness In Your Work

It's good for everyone to be out of work every once in a while. Yes, you heard me right. It's good for everyone to be out work every once in a while. Before you say that I'm crazy and just click out of or delete this Blog let me explain my reasons for saying this.

When you're out of work it actually gives you time to reflect on your life. It gives you time to reflect on what you really want to do with your life, on what type of work really makes you happy. When you find the work that is best suited for you, the work you love, and work that provides a great service to others, you have found life's greatest gift, happiness!

One of the greatest blessings you can ever receive in your lifetime is the privilege of rendering a service that helps other people. This brings into play the iron law of the universe, The Law of Cause and Effect. This law says that for everything you want, there is a price that must be paid. You have to give before you receive.

When we apply this law to our work it can be said this way: "Our rewards in life will always match our service." It's another way of saying, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap." Sir Isaac Newton in his laws of physics, put it this way: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

If a person is discontented with his or her rewards in life, that person should examine his or her service. Action; reaction. "Cause and Effect." What you put out will determine what you must get back in return. It's so simple, so basic, so true, and yet so few people in this world understand it.

The Law of Cause and Effect works for businesses as well as individuals. If a business is not doing well. If it is not growing and expanding then the business needs to look a it's contribution to society, how well it is serving the people. If a person is unhappy with his or her income, that person needs to examine and reevaluate his or her service to others.

It's no coincidence the wealthiest people in the world are the entrepreneurs and the real estate developers. Why is this true? It's true because they serve the most people. The entrepreneurs build the businesses that provide jobs for people. Real estate developers and landlords provide housing for people. These people serve the most people. The Law of Cause and Effect.

It's no coincidence either that the Internet has created more millionaires in the last 10 years than the world created in the last fifty. This is because an Internet business allows you to reach and serve millions of people all over the world instantly. Again, the Law of Cause and Effect. The more people you serve the greater your rewards.

If you're worried about your income or your future, you're concentrating on the wrong end of the scale. Look at the other end; concern yourself only with increasing your service to others and your future will take care of itself.

Every morning , and during the day, ask yourself: "How can I increase my service today?" When you get in the habit of doing this every day you will have started down the road to finding happiness in your work.


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