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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Courtesy Begins With You

Is the rudeness of others hurting your productivity, sales or good will? If, so your leadership could turn the situation around.

Discourtesy can't be as easily identified as defective work, but many business owners and managers admit that are very concerned about it. They know that with greater concerns for quality and productivity, and fewer people around to help them reach those goals, courtesy can fall by the way side. Business owners and managers should especially practice courtesy to set an example for others.

Here are few common courtesies that should be practiced by everyone:

* Answer your telephone promptly. Finishing a task while someone waits a dozen rings for to answer is insulting to the caller. Rather than put someone on hold, offer to call back with needed information.

* Keep appointments. If you must be late for a meeting, let others know. Everyone's time is valuable; keeping them waiting vividly demonstrates a lack of respect for their time and their priorities.

* Return phone calls. You expect your calls to be returned, so be sure to extend the same courtesy to others.

* Write better emails. Put important statements at the beginning so others can quickly grasp your point. Use courteous language. Be positive and encouraging, and don't intimidate anyone. Always proof every email you send for typos.

* Keep your promises. If you promise to do something by a certain time or date, do it. Get help if needed. Failure to deliver creates ill will and is rude.

* Never take sides. Everyone in the workplace knows politics encourages back stabbers, credit stealers and power trippers.

* Compliment someone for a job well done. Everyone needs a pat on the back. It builds up their self-esteem and makes them want to do an even better job the next time.

Common courtesy beings with you. Courtesy is not just for the workplace, rather, it applies everywhere you deal with people. When you get in the habit of being kind and courteous to everyone you deal with every day in your life, you make everyone's life better, especially yours.


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