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Monday, October 02, 2006

Why People Do Things

Over the weekend I was talking with a client who is in management. At any given time he is in charge of training and management for over thirty employees. During our session he asked me a very profound question regarding motivation; "Why do people do things?"

He caught me off-guard with his question but after thinking about for a minute I told him that in my opinion people do things for three primary reasons: (1) People do things because someone in authority tells them they have to. (2) People do things because they feel that it is a desirable thing to do. (3) People do things because they are deeply interested and want to do them.

So let's examine the three reasons why people do things a little closer. Doing routine work comes under number one or two. We do it because we've been instructed do it, or we agree that it is a desirable thing to do, whether we like doing it or not. For example, doing housework comes under the second reason. We may not enjoy doing it, but we feel that it is desirable.

When it comes to motivation and results number three is by far the best reason why people do things. This is where people do things because they want to; because they are personally interested in doing them.

This is where effective communications and good management come into the picture. With good management and communications, people can be motivated to want to do something, to become interested in and enjoy doing jobs that they would otherwise find uninteresting and disagreeable. It is here that a wise teacher, manager, or parent can make all the difference in the world as to how a job is done and the degree or morale of the people or person doing it.

A true leader says to his or her people, "Here's what I want you do, and let me tell you why I want you to do it." When people are given good, sound reasons why something needs to be done, their attitudes become more positive. People naturally want to be of value, to be part of a team, and demonstrate they can make a meaningful contribution to the solution to a problem.

It is a fact that people are the happiest when they are doing work that calls upon their very best efforts, when they are narrowing the gap that exists between their habitual way of doing things and their true potential, when they are steadily moving toward fulfillment as a human being.

It all comes down to understanding two important factors: (1) When people are doing a job because they want to do it, and are interested in doing it, they perform at a much higher level. There are fewer errors, and whatever they are doing will be done in an excellent way. (2) The way to get people to do what needs to be done is through effective communication. Every person must be reached in a clear and understandable way.

You cannot achieve success without working with other people and as long as you deal with other people there will always be problems. That is good, because problems are a way to progress. If you understand the reasons why people do things it will go a long way in helping you achieve success in everything you do.


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