JLM & Associates offers personal development counseling to help you take control of your personal and business success. Learn how to seize the kind of income you deserve and achieve the successful future of your dreams.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Work With Others To Reach Your Goals

Being a successful entrepreneur requires an abundance of optimism and a healthy measure of self-confidence, but as in many aspects of life our greatest strengths are also our greatest weaknesses.

Unrestrained enthusiasm is like lightening. It can strike anywhere. Enthusiasm needs to be counterbalanced by self-discipline and accurate thinking.

If you're good at selling and working with others, but not so proficient at running the office, perhaps your answer lies in forming an alliance with someone whose strengths compliment your weaknesses and vice versa. If you are a good outside person, make sure someone on your team is an equally good inside person.

In virtually every type of business, it is rare that the individual who starts and builds the business has the temperament to run it after it reaches a certain level of size and maturity. Most entrepreneurs don't have the patience for the systems and discipline required for the day to day management of the business.

If you find yourself in this position, conduct a realistic assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. Determine what you are best at and what you prefer not to do. Then look for a partner or associate who shares your basic values and commitment to the business or profession, but whose interests lie in the directions where you most need assistance.

When two or more people work in perfect harmony toward a common objective, the results can be awe-inspiring. Your alliance with other people can and should add up to a level of performance that far exceeds the sum of the individual contributions of each member.


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