JLM & Associates offers personal development counseling to help you take control of your personal and business success. Learn how to seize the kind of income you deserve and achieve the successful future of your dreams.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Creating Your Own Future

The future never just happens; it was created. This is true for all civilizations, businesses and individuals. The success you achieve with your life will be the success you create.

In today's complex and competitive society, continued learning, good relationships and desire are the stuff from which jobs and careers are made.

Gone are the days when you could “finish” your education. Now, you are personally responsible for becoming more skillful and more qualified to compete in a world where change is the order of the day.

No job is immune from this trend. In 2004 the Harvard School of Business studied 900 managers from various industries and found that 20 percent believed they lacked the skills to meet the expectations of their bosses. Another 75 percent said they would be behind in skills within five years.

The first step in creating your own future is to conduct an objective analysis of your capabilities. Take a look at past performance reviews to see where you might need work. Ask those who you work for, your peers and your boss how you can improve.

Consider a lateral move to gain valuable experience and new skills. With promotion opportunities limited by crowded management ranks and continuous downsizing by corporations, a lateral move within the company is often the best option. It can help prepare you for the time when an opportunity arises.

Guarding business relationships is another step toward creating your future. Being honest and fair with others will make you a trusted and valuable associate, and help you maintain positive relationships with others.

Do what you say you will do when you promise to do it, regardless. When others learn they can always depend on you, soon you will discover that you are destined for bigger and better things.

Maintain good relationships with coworkers. Always maintain a pleasant, positive attitude and support other's ideas, when appropriate. When you support others, they will do the same for you. Show an interest in people and their families, and they will be more likely to consider you a warm cooperative person.

Let your bosses know that you are serious about your job and ask specifically what they expect from you that you can deliver.

Demonstrate your desire in everything you do. Show by your actions that the standards you set for yourself are higher than those set by your company. Put in the extra time to do the project well and complete it on time. Perform quality work because you are a quality person, not because someone else demands it from you.

Show desire in your appearance, as well. The way you dress and groom yourself says a great deal about your desire. Dress as though you were already in your boss's job.

Do the things that are necessary to prepare for success so that when the time comes to reach for your brass ring, you are ready for the challenge.


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