Cultivate The Happiness Habit
I think the three greatest blessings that a person can ever have on this earth are: the privilege of rendering some useful service which will help others; keeping our own mind busy working toward a worthy ideal; and being in good health both mind and body.
I think it's actually good for someone to be unemployed at one time in his or her life, because it teaches you what a real blessing a meaningful job really is.
When you find a career that you really love and want to put your whole heart and soul into, one that is truly making a positive difference in this world, then, you have found life's greatest gift, happiness!
No man or woman can be happy unless he or she is engaged in some sort of work that he or she likes. A person who is working just to collect a paycheck may seem to be happy, but he or she isn't. If that person smiles at all, it doesn't come from the heart.
Too many people have the mistaken notion that money brings happiness. It doesn't; at least not to the person who quits working because he or she has an abundance of money and material possessions.
Happiness does not come from having, but from working. It is not the mere possession of wealth that makes a person happy. It is the enjoyment a person receives from pursuing, working and achieving; from using wealth in the endeavor to multiply it; it is the game and not the tools with which the game is played that brings happiness.
There would be very little fun in a long, tapered hardwood stick if it were not for the baseball that goes with it and the game which is played with it.
Likewise, there would be very little fun in just hitting the lottery if it were not for the great game of work that you could play with the winnings.
What a wonderful blessing it would be if we could all learn to stop cheating and backstabbing other people just to get a raise or a promotion in the belief that it is essential for happiness.
Find happiness in you daily work, whatever it may be, and it will make little difference to you whether you succeed in piling up few or many dollars.
I have never hit the lottery, inherited any wealth or hit it rich overnight in business or an investment, but I've know people who have. Those people have never felt very comfortable until they adjusted themselves to this new environment and some of them lost all their wealth because they never adjusted.
Happiness is not an exclusive something that is just for a chosen few. It is accessible to all, regardless of age or condition, who will extend themselves a little and strive for it.