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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Using Your Imagination

In the Information Age that we live in today where life is often hectic and competition is so fierce an important success factor is often missing in people. Even though we live in a global economy life has become programmed for many people, especially in our education system. What's missing is the use of our imaginations.

Every day, millions of people start out pretty even in being able to succeed in whatever they are doing. Some will go farther than others, get more fun and excitement out of life, do more, see more, experiment more, and wind up with more. Those who do, whether or not they realize it, are using their imaginations.

Using your imagination is free and everyone has one, but some use it more than others. One of the greatest inventors of the 21st century Charles Kettering once said, “Where there's an open mind, there will always be a frontier.” The way I interpret this is that how a person uses his or her imagination is the difference between success or failure.

When it comes to using your imagination it's best to keep an open mind so that your imagination gets a chance to do a little work on its own. After your imagination has come up with an idea, a negative impulse will usually come into the picture. Fear is usually an automatic reaction to imagination.

It's quite normal that once an idea a person gets an idea, he or she begins to wonder what others will think of it, and since most people don't have a very high opinion of themselves, he or she starts tearing the idea apart and often discards it completely. Then a couple of years later that person will hear or read about someone who is a millionaire because he or she came up with the same idea but decided to develop it.

Once your imagination has come up with a good idea, your must have the courage and determination to develop it. You must have a fearless attitude that you are going to keep trying till you get it right.

It's important to understand that imagination is nothing more than a vision. When you stop to think about it, vision has been responsible for everything that's happened in the world. Without vision we'd still be living our evenings by candlelight.

Luckily for us, there are enough men and women with the courage to stick with their vision and keep the world moving forward.

So take the time to today to rate your imagination and along with it see if you have the courage and determination to develop your ideas. Imagination can make a lot of difference in your life.


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