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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Need For Leadership

With the 2008 election getting closer every day and with Presidential and Congressional approval ratings at historic lows there has never been a time in our history with so much at stake. Yet no candidate in either political party is showing what this country and the world needs the most; Leadership!

The Republican candidates are busy pandering to their conservative base and all the Democratic candidates are busy pandering to their liberal base. They are all doing the same thing; Doing whatever it takes to get elected, but no one is showing any leadership.

To be fair, maybe none of them know what true leadership is? So let's define it for them. Leadership begins with trust, and trust is based on honesty. A leader whether in business, the home, or the government, must trust those he or she has been given to lead.

A true leader facilitates growth of those he or she leads. That is, like a good parent, his or her attitude toward those he or she leads is, “You can be whatever you most want to be. You can grow as great as your abilities will permit. My job is to help you become what you want to become.”

True leadership is a matter of interdependence, rather than dependence. That is, if people have a really good leader, they do not have to be dependent, or feel that they are dependent upon the leader figure. Rather, they have a feeling of freedom based on honesty and trust, and they feel that they are interdependent, dependent on each other.

For example, suppose I invite a friend over for dinner and serve her refreshing sprits and a delicious dinner. Then I invite my friend for dinner a second time and then a third for yet another evening of spirits and dinner.

Following the third dinner she invites me to dinner. I refuse. She invites me again, and I still refuse. She then get angry with me. Why? Why should she be angry with me when I've had her to my home for dinner three times, given her the best food and drinks I possibly could. How can she be angry with someone who has done this for her?

She's angry because she has been forced into the role of a dependent; I have robbed her of her opportunity to reciprocate, to prove that she is not dependent upon me, but, rather; we are interdependent. It's fine to lean on someone, no one minds leaning on you, too, if you are to feel worthy and valuable as a person.

For example, a small child simply takes. He or she receives care and cannot care in return. No adult wants to be forced into the role of a child. A person's work should strengthen his or her image. A true leader realizes this.

Every person fears of being hurt in some way. Because of this, he or she has built-in defenses ready to leap into the picture at any time. A true leader is someone who brings about a reduction of defenses in those he or she leads. People feel that they don't have to be on the defensive with him or her; they can be themselves. A true leader builds trust in those he or she leads.

A true leader gives those he or she leads the opportunity to identify with the competence and problem-solving skills he or she as a leader demonstrates. A leader permits those he or she leads to identify with him or her. A leader sets that sort of example.

As of right now I am not seeing this sort of example from anyone in either political party. As proud Americans we should all demand and not settle for anything less then true leaders in all levels of our government.


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